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Site Tracking Event API

Searching Tracking


Description: By using search keyword, you can track common keywords, categories and products searched across the website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Keyword    On search    Enter the keyword what you want to search.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘SearchKeyword’, ‘SearchKeyword’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’IPhone 8S’}]);


Description: Search category allows you to track the categories searched across the website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Category    On search    Enter the category what you want to search.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘SearchKeyword’, ‘SearchCategory’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Electromics’}])


Description: Search product allows you to track the products searched across the website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Product    On search    Enter the product what you want to search.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘SearchKeyword’, ‘SearchProduct’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Mobiles’}]);


Description: Search blog allows you to track the blogs searched across the website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Blog Name    On search    Enter the Blog name.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘SearchKeyword’, ‘SearchBlog’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Best Mobile Phone’}]);

Upload/Download Tracking


Description: It allows you to find the type of the uploading file from website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
File Type    Based on Upload    Enter the upload file.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Upload’, ‘UploadFileType’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’products.avi’}])


Description: It allows you to find the type of the downloading file from website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
File Type    Based on Download    Enter the download file.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Download’, ‘DownloadFileType’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’products.avi’}])

Ecommerce Tracking


Description: It allows you to view all the product details in of views.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Product SKU    On product viewed    It shows the product SKU.
Product Name    On product viewed    It shows the product name.
Product Category    On product viewed    It shows the product category.
Price    On product viewed    It shows the price of the product.
Quantity    On product viewed    It shows the quantity of the product.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Viewed’, ‘ProductViewed’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’PRD1890′,dimension7:’apple-iphone-8-plus’,dimension8:’Mobiles’,dimension9:’2′}]);


Description: It allows you to view all the purchased product details.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Product SKU    On product purchased    Shows the purchased product SKU.
Product Name    On product purchased    Shows the purchased product name.
Product Category    On product purchased    Shows the purchased product category
Price    On product purchased    Shows the purchased product price.
Quantity    On product purchased    Shows the purchased product quantity.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Purchased’, ‘ProductPurchased’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’PRD1890′,dimension7:’apple-iphone-8-plus’,dimension8:’Mobiles’,dimension9:’2′}]);


Description: It allows you to track an ecommerce order, including any ecommerce item previously added to the order.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Order ID    On Adding Products to Cart    Displays the order id.
Grand Total    On Adding Products to Cart    Displays the grand total.
Tax    On Adding Products to Cart    Displays the tax.
Shipping Discount    On Adding Products to Cart    Displays the shipping discount.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘CartOpt’, ‘AddedtoCart’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’WS-102056785′,dimension7:’71999′,dimension8:’900′,dimension9:’100′,dimension10:’0′}]);


Description: It tracks all the coupon details most frequently used by the customer on your e-commerce store.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Coupon code    On applying coupon success    Displays the coupon code.
Discounted amount    On applying coupon success    Displays the discounted amount.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘AppliedCode’, ‘OfferApplied’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Republic100′,dimension7:’100′}]);


Description: It tracks the most frequently applied coupon details by the customer on your e-commerce store.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Coupon Code    On applying coupon success    Enter the coupon code.
Discounted amount    On applying coupon success    Displays the discounted amount.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘AppliedCode’, ‘CouponApplied’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’RepublicDay200′,dimension7:’200′}]);


Description: It tracks the discount details after applying the coupons by the customer.

Event Property    When to raise    Description
Discounted amount    On applying coupon success    Displays the discounted amount.
Discounted percentage    On applying coupon success    Displays the discounted percentage.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘AppliedCode’, ‘DiscountApplied’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’200′,dimension7:’20%’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the products which are added in cart.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Product SKU    On product added in cart    Displays the product SKU.
Product Name    On product added in cart    Displays the product name.
Product Category    On product added in cart    Displays the product category.
Price    On product added in cart    Displays the product price.
Quantity    On product added in cart    Displays the product quantity.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Product’, ‘ProductAdded’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’PRD1890′,dimension7:’apple-iphone-8-plus’,dimension8:’Electromics’,dimension9:’69999′,dimension10:’1′}]);


Description: It allows you to track the products which are deleted from the cart.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Product SKU    On product deleted in cart.    Displays the product SKU.
Product Name    On product deleted in cart.    Displays the product name.
Product Category    On product deleted in cart.    Displays the product category.
Price    On product deleted in cart.    Displays the product price.
Quantity    On product deleted in cart.    Displays the product quantity.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Product’, ‘ProductDeleted’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’PRD1890′,dimension7:’apple-iphone-8-plus’,dimension8:’Electromics’,dimension9:’69999′,dimension10:’1′}])


Description: It allows you to track the payment success information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Payment Amount    On payment success    Enter the payment amount.
Payment Gateway    On payment success    Enter the payment gateway.
Payment Method    On payment success    Enter the payment method.
Payment Mode    On payment success    Enter the payment mode.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Payment’, ‘PaymentSuccess’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’71999′,dimension7:’Paypal’,dimension8:’CreditCard’,dimension9:’online’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the payment failure information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Payment Amount    On payment failed    Enter the payment amount.
Payment Gateway    On payment failed    Enter the payment gateway.
Payment Method    On payment failed    Enter the payment method.
Payment Mode    On payment failed    Enter the payment mode

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Payment’, ‘PaymentFailure’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’71999′,dimension7:’Paypal’,dimension8:’CreditCard’,dimension9:’online’}]);

Page Tracking


Description: It allows you to track the button information like which button clicked by the user, and who clicked the button.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Button Name    On button click    Displays the button name clicked by the user.
Who click    On button click    Displays the person details who clicked the button.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘OnClick’, ‘ButtonClick’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Search’,dimension7:’Birendra Sahu’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the link information like which link clicked by the user, and who clicked the link.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Link Name    On link click    Displays the link name clicked by the user.
Who click    On link click    Displays the person details who clicked the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘OnClick’, ‘LinkClick’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’’,dimension7:’Satish Kumar’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the page information like which page clicked by the user, and who clicked the page.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Page Name    On page click    Displays the page name clicked by the user.
Who click    On page click    Displays the person details who clicked the page.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘OnClick’, ‘PageClick’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’’,dimension7:’Ketan Sahu’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the scrolled pages information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Number of Scrolled    On scrolling basis    Enter the number of pages you want to scroll.
Page Name    On scrolling basis    Enter the page name.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Scroll’, ‘ScrollingDown’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’2′,dimension7:’’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the scrolled pages information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Number of scrolled    On scrolling basis    Enter number of pages you want to scroll.
Page Name    On scrolling basis    Enter the page name.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Scroll’, ‘ScrollingUp’, ‘TAG’, ‘Up’,{dimension6:’1′,dimension7:’’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the signup information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Phone Number    On sign up    Enter your phone number.
Name    On sign up    Enter your name.
Email    On signup    Enter your email.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘LoginOps’, ‘SignUp’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’9849784092′,dimension7:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension8:’[email protected]’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the reset password information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Phone number    On reset password    Enter the phone number.
Email    On reset password    Enter the email.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘LoginOps’, ‘ResetPassword’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’9849784092′,dimension7:’[email protected]’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the login information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Date    On login    Enter the date.
Time    On login    Enter the time.
Phone number    On login    Enter the phone number.
Email    On login    Enter the email.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘LoginOps’, ‘Login’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’2018-02-09 12:30:22′,dimension7:’9849784092′,dimension8:’[email protected]’}]);


Description: It allows you to track logoff information.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Date    On logoff    Enter the date.
Time    On logoff    Enter the time.
Phone number    On logoff    Enter the phone number.
Email    On logoff    Enter the email.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘LoginOps’, ‘Logoff’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’2018-02-09 14:30:22′,dimension7:’9849784092′,dimension8:’[email protected]’}]);


Description: It works based on click. It allows you to find the tracking content impressions and interactions.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Content Name    Based on click    Click on the content name.
Content Piece    Based on click    Click on the content piece.
Page Title    Based on click    Click on the page title.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Download’, ‘TrackingContent’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’apple-iphone-8-plus’,dimension7:’apple-iphone-8-plus-space-grey-64-gb’,dimension8:’’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the review activities on item.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On review rating
Link rating    On review rating
Comments    On review rating
Date    On review rating

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, Review’, ‘ReviewRating’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title’,dimension7:’URL’,dimension8:’5′,dimension9:’Comments’,dimension10:’Date’}]);


Description: It shows all the visited categories list.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Product SKU    Based on viewed category    It shows the product SKU.
Product Name    Based on viewed category    It shows the product name.
Category Name    Based on viewed category    It shows the category name.
Price    Based on viewed category    It shows the price.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Viewed’, ‘CategoryViewed’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’apple-iphone-8-plus’,dimension7:’PRD1890′,dimension8:’Electromics’,dimension9:’69999′}]);

Video Tracking


Description: It allows you to track the play information on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos play    Enter the title.
Link    On videos play    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Play’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the pause information on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos pause    Enter the title.
Link    On videos pause    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Pause’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the duration of the video on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos play duration    Enter the title.
Link    On videos play duration    Enter the Link.
Duration    On videos play duration    Enter the duration.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, Duration’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’,dimension8:’60’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the playlist information on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos add playlist    Enter the title.
Link    On videos add playlist    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Add Playlist’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the downloaded activities on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos downloaded    Enter the title.
Link    On videos downloaded    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Downloaded’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the clicked videos information on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos clicked    Enter the title.
Link    On videos clicked    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Clicked’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the rating information on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos rating    Enter the title.
Link    On videos rating    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘rating’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the view activities on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos views    Enter the title.
Link    On videos views    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘views’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the shared videos information on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos shared    Enter the title.
Link    On videos shared    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘share’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the length of the video on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos length    Enter the title.
Link    On videos length    Enter the link.
Duration    On videos length    Enter the duration.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Length’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’,dimension8:’60’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the unmute activities on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos unmuted    Enter the title.
Link    On videos unmuted    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Unmute’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the expanded videos on media videos.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On videos expanded    Enter the title.
Link    On videos expanded    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Videos’, ‘Expand’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the intersections on Live TV.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Channel Name   On intersection in Live TV   Enter the channel name.
Video Name   On intersection in Live TV    Enter the video name.
URL/Link   On intersection in Live TV    Enter the URL/Link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Live TV’, ‘Intersection’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’YouTube’,dimension7:’incredible india’,dimension8:’’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the video players on Live TV.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Channel Name    On video in Live TV    Enter the channel name.
Video Name    On video in Live TV    Enter the video name.
URL/Link    On video in Live TV    Enter the URL/Link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Live TV’, ‘Video Player’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’YouTube’,dimension7:’incredible india’,dimension8:’’}]);

Audio Tracking


Description: It allows you to track the play activity on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music play    Enter the title.
Link    On music play    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Play’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the pause activity on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music pause    Enter the title.
Link    On music pause    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Pause’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the duration activity on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music play duration    Enter the title.
Link    On music play duration    Enter the link.
Duration    On music play duration    Enter the duration.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, Duration’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’,dimension8:’60’}]);


 Description: It allows you to track the playlist information on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music add playlist    Enter the title.
Link    On music add playlist    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Add Playlist’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the downloaded files information on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music downloaded    Enter the title.
Link    On music downloaded    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Downloaded’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the clicked files information on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music clicked    Enter the title.
Link    On music clicked    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Clicked’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the rating information on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music rating    Enter the title.
Link    On music rating    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘rating’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the view activities on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music views    Enter the title.
Link    On music views    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘views’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the sharing files information on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music shared    Enter the title.
Link    On music shared    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘share’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the length of the music file on media music.

Event Property    When to raise    Description
Title    On music length    Enter the title.
Link    On music length    Enter the link.
Duration    On music length    Enter the duration.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Length’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’,dimension8:’60’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the unmute activities on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music unmuted    Enter the title.
Link    On music unmuted    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Unmute’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the expanded music files on media music.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Title    On music expanded    Enter the title.
Link    On music expanded    Enter the link.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Music’, ‘Expand’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Title of Video’,dimension7:’URL’}]);

Subscription Tracking:


Description: It allows you to track the subscribe details.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On subscribe on Newsletter    Displays the name.
Email    On subscribe on Newsletter    Displays the email.
Mobile    On subscribe on Newsletter    Displays the mobile details.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Subscribe’, ‘Newsletter’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′}]);


Description: It allows you to track the subscribed video details.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On subscribe on videos    Displays the name.
Email    On subscribe on videos    Displays the email.
Mobile    On subscribe on videos    Displays the mobile details.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Subscribe’, ‘Videos’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′}]);


Description: It allows you to track the subscribed music details.

Event Property    When to Raise   Description
Name    On subscribe on music    Displays the name.
Email    On subscribe on music    Displays the email.
Mobile    On subscribe on music    Displays the mobile.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Subscribe’, ‘Music’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′}]);

Browser & App Push Tracking

Browser Push:

Description: It allows you to track the push notifications in the website.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On push notification in web    Displays the name.
Email    On push notification in web    Displays the email.
Mobile    On push notification in web    Displays the mobile details.
Token Browser    On push notification in web    Displays the token browser.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Push Notification’, ‘Browser Push’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′,dimension9:’WebPushToken’,dimension10:’Chrome’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the app notifications.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On push notification in app    Displays the name.
Email    On push notification in app    Displays the email.
Mobile    On push notification in app    Displays the mobile details.
Token Device    On push notification in app    Displays the token device.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Push Notification’, ‘APP Push’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′,dimension9:’AppPushToken’,dimension10:’IOS’}]);

Social Tracking


Description: It allows you to track the repost on your post.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On comment in repost    Displays the name.
Email    On comment in repost    Displays the email.
Mobile    On comment in repost    Displays the mobile details.
Channel    On comment in repost    Displays the channel.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Comments’, ‘Repost’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′,dimension8:’facebook’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the like information on your post.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On comment in like    Displays the name.
Email    On comment in like    Displays the email.
Mobile    On comment in like    Displays the mobile details.
Channel    On comment in like    Displays the channel details.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Comments’, ‘Like’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′,dimension8:’facebook’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the follow information on your post.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On comment in follow    Displays the name.
Email    On comment in follow    Displays the email.
Mobile    On comment in follow    Displays the mobile details.
Channel    On comment in follow    Displays the channel.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Comments’, ‘Follow’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′,dimension8:’facebook’}]);


Description: It allows you to track the unfollow information on post.

Event Property    When to Raise    Description
Name    On comment in unfollow    Displays the name.
Email    On comment in unfollow    Displays the email.
Mobile    On comment in unfollow    Displays the mobile details.
Channel    On comment in unfollow    Displays the channel.

API Syntax to be added on the page or FH Tag Manager

_paq.push([‘trackEvent’, ‘Comments’, ‘Unfollow’, ‘TAG’, ‘1’,{dimension6:’Birendra Sahu’,dimension7:’[email protected]’,dimension8:’9856768791′,dimension8:’facebook’}]);