Topics in this section

Android SDK Integration Document – Native

This section describes the steps to be followed to integrate FirstHive Analytics SDK in your Android application.


A ‘site ID’ need to be created for your APP in your FirstHive account to map the tracking to your account. Contact your FirstHive rep for the Site ID if not already provided.

Including the Library

Add this to your app module build.gradle file

implementation 'org.matomo.sdk:tracker:4.0.2'

implementation 'com.jakewharton.timber:timber:4.7.1'

implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.8.1'

Client Configuration

You can also manage the Tracker. To ensure that the metrics are not over-counted, it is highly recommended that the tracker is created and managed in the Application class (i.e. not created twice). The Tracker itself is thread-safe and can be shared throughout your application. It’s not recommended to create multiple Tracker instances for the same target. 

Initialize your Tracker either by extending our MatomoApplication class or storing an instance yourself. Get the <Site Id> by login to your FirstHive account and replace <siteid> with your site id integer value. 

import org.matomo.sdk.TrackerBuilder;

import org.matomo.sdk.extra.DimensionQueue;

import org.matomo.sdk.extra.DownloadTracker;

import org.matomo.sdk.extra.MatomoApplication;

import org.matomo.sdk.extra.TrackHelper;

public class YourApplication extends Application {

    private Tracker tracker;

    public synchronized Tracker getTracker() {

        if (tracker == null) tracker = TrackerBuilder.createDefault("", <siteid>);

        return tracker;




public class DemoApp extends MatomoApplication 


    private DimensionQueue mDimensionQueue;


    public TrackerBuilder onCreateTrackerConfig() {

        return TrackerBuilder.createDefault("", <siteid>);



    public void onCreate() {


        StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder()






Don't forget to add application name to your AndroidManifest.xml file.

    <application android:name=".YourApplication">

        <!-- activities go here -->


Using FirstHive App Tracking:

The recommended way to use the library is by using the TrackHelper class. It has methods for all common actions which can be chained in a way that facilities the correct order and use.

Just by using auto-completion on TrackHelper. 

// Get the `Tracker` you want to use

Tracker tracker = ((MatomoApplication) getApplication()).getTracker();

Track screen views


    void onTrackMainScreenClicked(View view) {

        TrackHelper.track().screen("/").title("Main Screen").with(getTracker());


Track events

To collect data about user’s interaction with interactive components of your app, like button presses . 

Refer the miscellaneous section to understand the event Anatomy  and list of standard events that you can in corporate

TrackHelper.track().event(“category”,”Event action”).name(“Event Name”).value(1000f).with(getTracker());

Sample implementation:

Example for CategoryViewed event:


mDimensionQueue = new DimensionQueue(getTracker());

mDimensionQueue.add(6, "sku10367");

mDimensionQueue.add(7, "Iphone10");

mDimensionQueue.add(8, "Electronics");

mDimensionQueue.add(9, "75000");

Notes - Free interface icons NOTE

The code highlighted in green are for passing additional parameter along with an event. You can pass up to 10 additional parameters along with an event, starting from 6 up to 15. 

*Please notify your FirstHive rep if you are going to pass more than 5 values to do the necessary activation in the UI.

The id 1 up to 5 are reserved for setting session-level parameters. If you would like us to change any of this then contact your FirstHive Rep. You can set this for any action-based event or even for the screen view events.

Reserved Dimension:

mDimensionQueue.add(1, "Email");

mDimensionQueue.add(2, "Mobile No");

mDimensionQueue.add(3, "User Name");

mDimensionQueue.add(4, "PAN");

mDimensionQueue.add(5, "ARN");

Track Goal

To track the goal/revenues


void onTrackGoalClicked(View view) {

float revenue;

try {

     revenue = Integer.valueOf(

           ((EditText) findViewById(;

     } catch (Exception e) {

          TrackHelper.track().exception(e).description("wrong revenue").with(getTracker());

          revenue = 0;




Track Exceptions

You can also track exceptions using below sample example.


void onRaiseExceptionClicked(View view) {

    TrackHelper.track().exception(new Exception("OnPurposeException")).description("Crash button").fatal(false).with(getTracker());



FirstHive provides e-commerce analytics that let you measure items added to carts, and learn detailed metrics about abandoned carts and purchased orders. You can also track your goal by using below examples.

//Capture Ecommerce


void onAddEcommerceItemClicked(View view) {

    List<String> skus = Arrays.asList("00001", "00002", "00003", "00004");

    List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Silly Putty", "Fishing Rod", "Rubber Boots", "Cool Ranch Doritos");

    List<String> categories = Arrays.asList("Toys & Games", "Hunting & Fishing", "Footwear", "Grocery");

    List<Integer> prices = Arrays.asList(449, 3495, 2450, 250);

    int index = cartItems % 4;

    int quantity = (cartItems / 4) + 1;

     items.addItem(new EcommerceItems.Item(skus.get(index))







//Capture Cart update event


   void onTrackEcommerceCartUpdateClicked(View view) {



//Capture order placed events


   void onCompleteEcommerceOrderClicked(View view) {


                .order(String.valueOf(10000 * Math.random()), 10000)








Activate Mobile Push/Notification

Prerequisite: Set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app in your Android APP

How to send app notifications via FirstHive?

 To send the notification to your app users, you need to integrate FCM with FirstHive,

  1. Implement the below API to push the required details, for each user


Method: POST


Param Data Type Description Required
projectId int <Site ID> Provided by FirstHive Yes
Data string Email and/or Mobile number of users for user identification Yes
regId string FCM Token Yes
visitId string Visitor ID  Yes
Browser string Browser Optional



"data":{"mobileNo":"1234567890","email":"[email protected]"}




How to Fetch Visitor Id?

Define below after the firsthive sdk is executed:

var visitor_id;    

    _paq.push([ function () { visitor_id = this.getVisitorId(); }]);

Share the Legacy server key with FirstHive

Follow below steps

Path to key in Firebase >> Project >> Project Settings >> Cloud Messaging >> Legacy server key

Steps to enable tracking of ‘Opens’ for App Push Notifications

When a user tap on the app push notification sent from FirstHive, it will pass a Message ID to the app in the data payload in the following key.

messageId: <Unique value to identify the user and campaign>

Example Below




"notification" : {

 "body" : "Test notification content",

 "title": "Title of the message",

 "image": "<Image URL>"


"data" : {


"customPayload": {






Whenever the app receives a value in the data payload for the above key, it should trigger following API and pass the tracking ID back to FirstHive URL:

Method: POST


Param Data Type Description Required
authKey string XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Will be shared separately for the account).

Contact your account representative for authentication key.

messageId int <messageId to identify the user for the campaign, received in the custom payload section mentioned above> Mandatory