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Access Control: Create Roles, Create Users

Access Control: Create Roles, Create Users

Create Roles:

Create Users:

  1. Login to your FirstHive account.
  2. Go to Admin >> Manage Roles.
  3. Select from one of the existing standard roles or click Create New Role to customize the role.
  1. Enter the Role Name. It is recommended to name it appropriately, so that you can identify the role of the user in the organization.
  2. Select the role accesses.
  3. Click ‘Create New Role’.

Once the role is created. You can go ahead and create users for these roles.

  1. Login to your FirstHive account.
  2. Go to Admin >> Manage Users.
  3. Click three vertical dot icon under action and then click Create User.
  1. Select which role does the user belongs to by clicking Role Name.
  2. Enter the Email Id for whom you are giving access to a specific role.
  3. Enter the Mobile Number.
  4. Click Create User.