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Creating Dimensions

How to Create Dimensions?

To create new a dimension, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Custom Dimensions under Measurables.
  3. Create new dimensions either for Visit Dimensions or Action Dimensions.
Screen 1: Creating Dimensions

Here, you can see the dimensions:

Screen 2: Dimensions

What Do you Mean by Tags and Triggers?

Whenever a user comes to the website and login, a certain code is called in order to capture the information in FH Analytics, for that you need to create Tags and Triggers. For example, a user comes to Franklin Templeton website and clicks Login/Register as an Investor or Distributor.

  1. User enters the User ID
  2. Enters the Password.
  3. Click Next.
Screen 3: User Login

Once the user clicks Next button, a particular script is called to capture the information in FH Analytics, and for this the team needs to create tags and triggers.

How to Create Triggers?

To create a trigger:

  1. Go to Tag Manager.
  2. Select the Trigger. This will display all the triggers and you have to select a trigger type. For example, Form Submit.
  3. In the Name field, this will display the trigger type you have selected.
  4. Select the Class (Form ID) from the drop-down.
  5. Select the Class Type (equals) to from the drop-down. This particular class will be called. This happens when the Form ID (class) with class name equals is clicked, the trigger Form Submit is called.
  6. Click CREATE NEW TRIGGER. The trigger Form Submit will be created. This trigger will be called when any form is submitted.
Screen 4: Creating New Trigger

Here, you can see all the triggers in FirstHive.

  • Click
  1. All Downloads Click
  2. All Element Click
  3. All Links Click
  • Pageview
  1. DOM Ready
  2. Pageview
  3. Window Loaded
  • User Engagement
  1. Element Visibility
  2. Form Submit
  3. Full Screen
  4. History Change
  5. Scroll Reach
  6. Window Leave
  7. Window Upload
  • Others
  1. Custom Event
  2. JavaScript Error
  3. Timer
Screen 5: Triggers

How to See the Tags and Triggers?

To see all the triggers:

  1. Go to Tag Manager.
  2. Select the customer or enter the campaign id.
  3. Click Manage Containers.
  4. Click the Settings icon under Actions.

Screen 6: Manage Containers

Here, you can see all the tags and triggers:

  1. Tags.
  2. Triggers.
  3. To see the tags and triggers, enter the search term (tag/trigger name) in the search box. For example, enter Login in the search box – this will highlight all the tags and triggers where Login is present.
  4. Here, you can see the Login for Investor Register is there. This is called when a login event for the Investor Register is triggered.
Screen 7: Tags and Triggers