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The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.

Active Channels

Channels which are actively used in the FirstHive platform

Avg. Time on Site

The average duration of a visit.

All Tags

The customer should be part of ‘All’ Tags selected for segment creation

Any Tags

The customer should be part of ‘Any’ one of the Tags selected for segment creation

Bounce Rate

The percentage of visits that only had a single page view. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.


Count of email failed to deliver due to recipient bad Domain id format


Interface to communicate with brand customers


A click is counted each time someone clicks on a link pointing to your website.

Click Rate

Percentage of unique click by unique delivered

Content Tag

Based on the campaign content, the tag can be defined while setting up the campaigns


A Person who has interacted with your brand


Customer who is inactive or not interacted with the brand


Count of email successfully delivered to the recipient email address

Dynamic Segments

New customers will be added dynamically based on the rule applied while creating the segment


Customer who are active or interacted with the brand


Any action performed by a customer while interacting with the brand interface is counted as an event


The unique FirstHive ID of a customer in the FH platform

Identified Customers

Customers who have named identity

Inverse Click Rate

Percentage of customers who do not click by total delivered

Inverse CTR

Percentage of customers who do not click by total open

Interaction ID

Every time a customer interacts with any of the brand interfaces, FH will create a unique interaction ID for that interaction


Every time a customer interacts with brands interface is counted as an interaction

Max Action

The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.

Not Open Rate

Percentage of customers who have not opened the email


No. Of customer who has opened the communication

Open Rate

Percentage of Total Open by Total Delivered

Pseudonymous customers

Customer who doesn’t have a named identity

System Tag

Tags assigned by the system on the basis of source, geo, location, campaign, channel etc.


Count of emails sent out from the application for all or selected campaign

Static Segments

This will have fixed set of customer added based on the rule applied while creating the segment

Total customers

Total unique customers in the FH platform

Total Interactions

No. Of interactions captured across channels for brand customers


A contextual identity of a customer is called Tags. Tags can be system generated, user-defined or defined as per content

Unique Visits

The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.


The process of creating a unique customer identity across all channels basis the data collected using the ML algorithm is called unification


Count of email address who do not wish you receive your email. These email ids will be automatically excluded from all your future campaign.

Unique CTR

Percentage of unique click by unique open

User-defined Tag

The account user can define specific tags based on the business requirements


If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.