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How an Automation Dashboard Looks Like?

Automation Dashboard

The dashboard is designed in such a way that you can easily know where exactly (in which bucket) the automation is in.

Automation Flow

As soon as the campaign gets created, it keeps moving from one bucket to another (Created to Expire), representing the current phase of the campaign.

Here, you can know about these buckets and what exactly that means to the campaign:

  • Created: Once you create an automation, it comes to Created bucket.
  • Waiting on Queue: Waiting on Queue bucket indicates; the automation will wait here. If 3 to 4 automations are already running parallelly, they wait here till their turn comes. Once, the first one on the list gets completed, the next one will be on the queue.

For example, you are running three (3) automations simultaneously, having respective automation ids – 123, 456, and 789. The automation having id = 123 is scheduled to run first, id = 456 is scheduled to run second, id = 789 is schedule to run third – they will be on the queue and will run accordingly.

  • Started from Queue: Started from Queue bucket indicate; the automation has started.
  • Waiting in Scheduler: Waiting in Scheduler bucket indicates; the automations that are scheduled to run on a particular time/day. If you have scheduled it for a particular time or for the next day, it comes to Waiting in Scheduler and waits here till its turn (scheduled time) comes. The execution time (in green color) indicates the scheduled time for the automation.

If you schedule the automation after two or more days, then this will go the Waiting for Next Iteration bucket.    
  • Adding Users: Adding Users bucket indicates; the users added to the automation.
  • Exclusion List: Exclusion List bucket indicates; the users excluded from the automation. For example, if you have 10K users in the automation and you want to exclude 5K from the list, you can exclude them from the automation.
  • Node Started: Node Started bucket indicates; the node has started.
  • Node Processing: Node Started bucket indicates; the node is processing.
  • Node Execution: Node Started bucket indicates; the node is to execute.
  • Waiting on Node: Waiting on Node indicates; the next node is waiting for first one to get completed.
  • Start from Node: Start from Node indicates; the node is to start.
  • Waiting for Next Iteration: Waiting for Next Iteration indicates; the automation is scheduled for/after two or more days.
  • Validating: Validating bucket indicates; the campaign validation process is under progress.
  • Started: Started bucket indicates; the campaign has started.
  • Pause Bucket: Pause bucket indicates; for some reason the campaign is paused.
  • Exception Occurred: Exception Occurred bucket indicates; if something went wrong during the campaign execution, a cross icon  appears.
  • Competed: Completed bucket indicates; the campaign is completed. Once a campaign is completed, it comes this bucket.
  • No Status: No Status indicates; the campaign currently has no status to display.
  • Expire: Expire bucket indicates, the campaign has expired.
  • Active: Active bucket indicates; the campaign is still running.

Anywhere the automation is stuck, there is one notification mail will be sent to L1 and L2 team to raise the ticket regarding that automation failure.  
Screen 1: Automation Dashboard