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How Do I Opt-IN WhatsApp Users?

Opt-In Methods

As long as the opt-in method meets the above requirements, it will be policy compliant. The following are examples of supported opt-in methods:

  • SMS
  • Website
  • In a WhatsApp thread
  • By phone (using an interactive voice response (IVR) flow)
  • In person or on paper (customers can sign a physical document to opt in)

We strongly recommend that businesses continue to optimize for the user experience when designing opt-in flows.

How Do I Opt-in Users?

Users can opt-in for your WhatsApp Business API using these five mechanisms. You can find these on the ‘Settings’ page of your app.

  • QR code scanning: Every app you create on the WhatsApp dashboard of Gupshup will generate a unique QR code. You can share this QR code with your users. They can scan this code from your marketing collateral and land it on your business WhatsApp thread.
  • By clicking on a URL: Every app you create on the WhatsApp dashboard of Gupshup will generate a unique WhatsApp URL. You can share this URL with your users. They can click this URL from your online marketing and land on your business WhatsApp thread.
  • By click on a web widget: For every app you create on the WhatsApp dashboard of Gupshup, you will get a unique widget code that you can embed in your web pages. Users can click on this widget and land on your business WhatsApp thread
  • By saving your WhatsApp Business API phone number & message you directly: Users can save your WhatsApp Business API phone number in their phonebook for live apps promoted through your marketing campaigns and begin conversing with you directly, just like any P2P chat. You can obtain inbound messages on your callback URL.
  • By sending an SMS to one of your phone numbers: Your users can also opt-in through SMS. Here, the SMS sent by the user is considered as the opt-in of the user.

Inbound Messages

An inbound message is a mobile message triggered from GupShup platform and routed to your callback URL. For example, an inbound event is triggered when:

  • You set a callback URL for your app, or you have used the proxy command to invoke your app on Gupshup Proxy bot phone number (+918260455210) to test the app in sandbox mode.
  • An end-user gives their consent (opt-in) to receive notifications from your WhatsApp Business API number.

Outbound Messages

Outbound messages are messages you send to your users. Outbound messages are classified into two types:

  • Template Messages: Template messages are Highly Structured (HSM)/ Notification messages. Once your WhatsApp Business API is Live, you can create template messages and submit them to WhatsApp for approval. You can send Template messages to users that you have opted-in.
  • Session Messages: You can send Session messages to Active users only. When a user sends a message to your WhatsApp Business API, they become an active user. A session starts from the latest user message. Sessions remain Active for 24 hours.