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How to Calculate the SMS Balance in Single Channel Campaign?

SMS Balance Calculation

SMS Balance Calculation is crucial to campaign. There are two use cases that helps you understand the logic:

Use Case 1

You have INR 10 balance in your account and five (5) users to send the communication. After sending the communication, your account balance will be 10 – 5 = 5. The account balance is now, five (5).

SMS balance is 5

Use Case 2

You have INR 10 balance in your account and 5 users to send the communication.

Condition 1: Out of those five users, you have one invalid user (invalid user count =1). So, the new user count will be: 5 – 1 = 4.

Condition 2: Out of those four (4) users, one (1) is Excluded User. So, the new user count will be: 4 – 1 = 3.

The total SMS balance in your account = 10, and you have to send communication to three (3) users only. The remaining balance after sending the communication will be: 10 – 3 =7.