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How to Setup Key Value Pair Based CTR Redirection


  • Set up a Firebase Cloud Messaging client app in your Android APP
  • The FirstHive APP push API is implemented in your app as per the steps shared in the SDK integration document.
  • The App needs to support key-value in their app

Once the above is in place, In FirstHive App push campaign setup, you can define the CTA of the campaign with Key and Value. 

  • The key represents the key name defined in your app for the app screen and the value represents the screen itself.
  • When you define the key and value in FH, it will send the value in the notification tray data payload as shown below.
  • The App needs to read it from the notification tray and open the relevant screen.
    Example below,

    "notification" : {
     "body" : "Test notification content",
     "title": "Title of the message",
     "image": "<Image URL>"
    "data" : {
    "customPayload": {
  • The message id is the id that the App needs to pass in below API to register the App push click in FirstHive.

Whenever the app receives a value in the data payload for the key messageId, it should trigger the following API and pass the tracking ID back to FirstHive

Method POST
Parameter <messageId to identify the user for the campaign, received in the custom payload section mentioned above> Mandatory 
authKey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Will be shared separately for the account)

Notes - Free interface icons NOTE

Contact your account representative for the authentication key.