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Introduction to Segmentation & Different Types of Segmentation

Segmentation is defined as an activity of dividing a broad consumer or business market, normally consisting of existing and potential customers, into sub-groups of consumers based on some type of shared characteristics.

Similarly in FirstHive, you as a Marketer can segment your users or Customers basis different parameters like Time, Data field, response to the campaign, product category, transaction value, frequency, and various other behavioral elements.

FirstHive segmentation module has three types of segmentation options as follows:

  • Rule Based Segmentation
  • First Party Lookalike (Beta)
  • FH ML Lead Segmentation (Alpha)

While creating basic segmentation, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Data >> Click Create Segment 

Step 2: Select the type of Segment i.e., Rule Based Segmentation or First Party Lookalike (Beta) or FH ML Lead Segmentation (Alpha)

If you choose Rule Based Segmentation:

  • Select whether you want to go with Dynamic Segment or Static Segment
  • Enter a title for the segment.
  • Create Cohort for Who Does.
  • Create Cohort for Who Doesn’t.
  • Click on the plus icon to add new segment.
  • Click Save.

If you choose First party Lookalike (Beta):

  • Provide a name for the lookalike segment.
  • Give a brief description.
  • Select the segment from the drop-down.
  • Enter the lookback period in days.
  • Select the first party data source from the drop-down
  • Click Save.

FH ML Lead Segmentation (Alpha)

This is coming soon.

Step 7: You can either choose to visualize the segment or click on the ‘Save‘ button directly. If you click on the Visualize segment, you can see the audience split by Region, Device, Behaviour, Gender, etc.

After creating a segment, click on the refresh icon to get the audience count.


To start with, there is a further classification of Segmentation as follows:

Dynamic: This segmentation allows dynamic addition of new customers based on the rules applied while creating the segment.

Static: This segmentation allows the addition of only a fixed set of customers based on the rules applied. Thus, there is no increase or decrease in segment count once it is created.


Notes - Free interface icons NOTE

For any queries, reach out to your Account Manager or write to us at [email protected] so that we can arrange a Demo for you.