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What is Field Mapping?

Filed Mapping

When a data is inserted into FH, we need to map it to a particular filed. We need to retrieve; we need to use that filed. For any other communication purpose, you can personalize that particular field or do segmentation based on that particular filed. While sending the communication, we are adding personalized filed to into that campaign. For example: Create Test User KD1(Name your list)

  • Tags: Upload Data
  • Field: Email, City

Every filed that is created inside FH, we are just storing inside the table as Filed Master. We are just checking the name of the Filed, tag, data type, which column and which table it belongs to. The program_id here is NULL/Blank, it is common to all the accounts. Other fields can be created using on the file or can create using backend also. To create using backend, we need to map it. We have to map that in filed column. It will be automatically available for segmentation.

For every upload, we are identifying the source. What it is data list, CSV. At the time of uploading, whatever fields mapped, you will get the filed_id. Every entry into the system for segmentation purpose, we are creating mapping table.  Where it is loading, how it is loaded. In which Colum it is loaded, what is the data type, tag name, personalization, and everything else. Customer Profile Dashboard: Dashboard is for user, what data we have uploaded in the user_master table. For each unique record, this dashboard is as per the user_FH_id. This is the additional tool we have created for different client. It all depends on client requirement.

What Happens in the user_master or New Table, We Create?

On client’s request, in the FH we have uploaded a Data List, for each Data List the information is there. We manually take the id and ma the user_unique_id. We are not generating any extra unique_id, we are just borrowing from the user_master. If the id is not present, it will be blank. user_unique_id is a linkage between user_master and the table.

How to Create a New Filed?

Import customer –> Upload File –> Select Field Type --> Select Text –> New Filed Created in Field Mapping  

Whatever filed already present there, it won’t be used again. It will generate new one. If the user is adding one more piece of information as a string, it will pick the next incremental value. It will store inside the Data Lake.  Uploading one selection for the table, column – it will create a row. For that customer, we have mapped this column.

Creating a segment:

  • Create a segment (Define dynamic or static)
  • Add segment

More features:

  • Time span
  • Tags
  • Add condition

There are two types of segments we are creating.

How We are Mapping the Data?

Map a data to a particular filed and retrieve it. Use that filed in any other communication, we can personalize the practical field. Do the segmentation based on that particular filed. Adding personalized filed into a campaign.

Sending a communication: You can add the name of the user to send personalized communication.  While sending any communication at that time, we are adding personalized filed into that campaign.

Every filed is creating inside FH, stored inside Filed Master. Name of the file, display name, tag, data type, column and table – here the program_id is common to all. Apart from this, if there any other fields need to create; they can create that on the fly or backend. For backend, map it that particular item, it will be available for personalization. At the time of uploading whatever the fields mapped. Every entry into the system for segmentation, we are creating a mapping table, it decides where it is loaded, how it is loaded, which column it is loaded, etc.