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What is Segment?


FH Platform allows you to bring data from multiple sources to drive a coordinated and consistent experience for your customers. Delivering relevant personalized marketing campaigns, using the Segmentation. You can provide tailor-made marketing by dividing your customers into smaller groups with similar traits.

Segmentation is the process of defining specific attributes or behaviors shared by a group of people from your database to distinguish marketable groups from your audience base. For example, if you are running a SMS campaign called “Did you forget to buy your t-shirts?” you may want an audience of all users who searched for t-shirts within the last 20 days, but did not purchase any. Using different segments, you can focus on your various audiences, delivering a more customized marketing experience.

There are different places users storing the data. In general, there are two RDS present in the system.

  • RDS1 (Master DB): FH_engage and FH_codes
  • RDS2 (Analytics DB): It is almost similar to Google Analytics. FH platform provides tag management code for the external people. Those who want to get their analytical data from different sources like IOS, Android, Website, Mobile App, etc., whenever they want.

What they need to do is, configure this particular code inside their application, automatically the data will start flowing into our Analytics DB. The data is called events such as; who visited the page, what are the pages visited, actions performed, time spend on a particular page, etc. However, Google Analytics is not capturing any PII (Personalized Identified Information) information.

We use Matamo, a third-party application to capture the PII data of a particular website or user and soring it inside FH Analytics DB. There are lots of events happening and we capture all of them. We have created a FH event table that contains all sorts of events; they just need to add the tag manager code.

In FH_events and FH_engage table the segmentation is performed. The visitor_id/session_id/cookie_id will remain for 35 days or one year. Other users coming from the same browser,   a visitor will be created. It will be one if that user comes next day. VISIT_ID is for 30 minutes only, after that it will create another ID.

Segmentation is not a grouping of channel_id, it is taking the FH_id instead. After that it will do the AND OR, IN OR, and NOT operation. If a user is looking for different channel or place, if that is unified then it will be picked for use otherwise there is not. These two are considered as a separate entity inside FH. Once it is unified. Not visible at the front end. Unification is running in every five hours on client’s request. Once the unification is done on the entire base/table, next time it is running it will unify only the new records. It can be customized based on the client’s request.

How to Build Segments

FH Platform allows you to easily create and access segments, as well as use different building blocks to further characterize your segments. Marketers are avail with advanced tools to define audience segments based on attributes and behaviors. Use segments to improve targeting and personalization. Segments are rules-based, or they are built using ML and AI.

Marketers can enrich their profiles with data they wouldn’t be able to tabulate on their own and create more robust target audiences. Delivering relevant personalized marketing campaigns can be achieved using the Segmentation Service, part of FH Platform. You can provide tailor-made marketing by dividing your customers into smaller groups with similar traits. 

Segmentation defines the attributes and events. In addition, the attributes and events contained in existing audiences can also be used as components for new definitions. You can see this in the Fields section on the left side of the. Fields contains a tab for each of the main building blocks:

  • Attributes
  • Events
  • Audience

Using the segmentation capabilities of FH, you can do things like:

  • Create Unique Identity
  • Predict customer churn
  • Combine attributes, events, and existing segments, based on data captured in real-time
  • Identify potential upsell and cross-sell opportunities
  • Deliver relevant recommendations based on a profile’s purchase history.

If you are using the same segment for twenty camping, you do not need to refresh the segment every time for executing a particular campaign. This is a Backend Flask. When the first campaign is executing at that time only it will refresh. For the next campaign execution using the same segment, refresh data is the current one – it won’t refresh again.

Types of Segments

Dynamic Segment

In dynamic segment, every time refresh new data need to be updated. The data is not stored against segments, but a condition such as; what are the conditions and the information. We are just storing as a query and per-query, and keeping them at once place. We will get the met data (first-time refreshment) and against that particular segment we will just keep the user_unique_id. Data can be refreshed at any time. Once the singular mapping is done:

                                                        Create Segment –> Manage Segment  

Every time when the segment is created or is ready to use at that time it is refreshing. How many users are there they will be uploaded. For that two things are important:

  • datalist_id
  • segment_id

Whenever the condition is used, query is created. For the next time executing that one, we can get the query or run it to get the output. When inserting the data, it checks with the segment-id. Asynchronous request will run it in the back-end, once all the process get completed, it will update” ready to use”. One segment is used for more than forty to fifty campaigns. Every time the campaign or automation is running, segment is refreshing. To reduce the load on the system, once in a day the segment is refreshing. If one segment is refreshing in a dashboard the same segment will be used for another campaign as well.

Static Segment

The static segment will choose the pre-defined data values only. For example; you have created a segment of 100 users only, if you choose anytime, it will choose those 100 users only which is already stored in the table. At the time of campaign, get the user_id and execute.

Analytical Segments

FH uses Analytical Segments to take action against a particular segment, based on specific event. You can use the segments in a specific Data List. For example, you can create a dynamic list of customers based on their event behaviors and engage with them via the appropriate channels. It helps get the most actionable insights and to figure out what event data to provide.

Identity Management

Define how devices are stitched together, either at the user or household level, to focus or expand targeting parameters. Determine how experiences are personalized when users are logged in or engaging anonymously. Based on the profile rules you set, you can manage identities and deliver a consistent experience across devices.

Most people have more than one connected device — a smartphone, tablet, laptop and now even a Smartwatch. Multiply that by a household and the number jumps, adding the complexity of shared devices. But if a customer has given you their information, they expect a consistent experience during every interaction —regardless of the device they’re using. 

You can group and link devices to control who is exposed to your messaging. Or, you can precisely target messages that should only be seen by a given user when he or she is logged in.