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What is Test Control/Test Users?


This is going to search whatever campaign is running – if it benefits the organization or getting positive results.

  For Testing Part –> 50 Users

For Control Part –> 50 Users  

Now, it will run automation for test users, where control is not a part of automation. This checks the output of the campaign, the profit or success rate of the campaign. If a campaign is not getting you results, then you need to stop or  introduce new marketing strategies. If the test user is getting benefits or desired output, you can say the campaign is a  success.


test is – 1 (automation)If that is the case, we create a table for the automation, and adding test_control_users_accid. This particular table will be available for one account, one table. After creating the table, these are the columns.    

Size of the List

Now, you have these types of users and you can get the percentage of the users. Out of 100, how many users will go to control and how many users you need to set as a control. For example, this automation already executed and for somedays    chances are there that you find a few users that already exist in the control table. The first test_control_usr is like this.

                                               Total number of users 100.

Split this into 50 each:  

1. Control = 50
2. Test = 50  

You get a new set of users. Now, you have to check the incremental user as well as you need to split id.

  • If you send another 100 incremental users, 50 + 50 each (divide the users between test and control each), and you have a test_control for the 2nd time running. You can check whether the existing user is present in test_control or not.
  • You have 50 users in control and another 50 users in automation. You can securely check that 50 users will come on the list because they are not a part of automation – as they are a part of control.
  • You do not need to add the users, the control list is on (invisible user) – you can   check users’ phase in control. You do not need to add in the automation.
  • If someone activates the test_control to get the users present inside test_control, we insert the users to control_user table.
  • If there is a user, we need to check whether it is control_user or adding users. Here, in this case we use added automation.


ParameterData TypeDescription
prog_idstringThe unique identifier for a program.
atm_idstringThe unique identifier for an automation.
source_idstringThe unique identifier for the source.
current_phaseVARCHARThe current phase.
next_phaseVARCHARThe next phase.
usr_unique_liststringThe list of User Unique ID.
acc_idstringThe unique identifier for an account.